Research Grants
Integrated Projects
Associate Principal Investigator, "Promotion of Academic-Industrial Alliance of Computer Vision-based Visual Surveillance", Ministry of Science and Technology, Grant No. 105-2622-8-009 -006 -TE2, 2016/2 ~ 2018/1. (科技部產業技術聯盟合作計畫,計畫名稱:電腦視覺監控產學研聯盟推動計畫)
Associate Principal Investigator, "Promotion of Academic-Industrial Alliance of Computer Vision-based Visual Surveillance", Ministry of Science and Technology, Grant No. 102-2218-E-009-007, 2013/2 ~ 2016/1. (科技部產業技術聯盟合作計畫,計畫名稱:電腦視覺監控產學研聯盟推動計畫)
Executive Secretary and Principal Investigator of Sub-project, "Vision-Based Intelligent Environment", Ministry of Economic Affairs, Grant No. 97-EC-17-A-02-S1-032, 2009 ~ 2012. (經濟部學界科專計畫,計畫名稱:視覺為基礎之智慧型環境建構四年計畫II)
Associate Principal Investigator, "Aging in place", Fu Jen Catholic University, Grant No. 110031041002, 2010 ~ 2012. (輔仁大學整合型計畫,計畫名稱:原居老化)
Principal Investigator, "The Study of Embedded Camera", Fu Jen Catholic University, Grant No. 630113, 2008/8 ~ 2011/7. (輔仁大學整合型計畫,計畫名稱:嵌入式攝影機研究)
Associate Principal Investigator, "Eco-City", National Science Council, Grant No. 97-2218-E-009-026, 2008/2 ~ 2011/1. (國科會推動規劃補助計畫,計畫名稱:“Eco-City:健康樂活城” 智慧行動生活科技區域整合中心)
Associate Principal Investigator, "The Study and Application of Electronics and Informatics Technology on Health Care", Fu Jen Catholic University, Grant No. 109631040996, 2007/8 ~ 2009/7. (輔仁大學整合型計畫,計畫名稱:電子資訊輔助科技於醫療照護之研究)
Executive Secretary and Principal Investigator of Sub-project, "Vision-Based Intelligent Environment", Ministry of Economic Affairs, Grant No. 93-EC-17-A-02-S1-032, 2004 ~ 2008. (經濟部學界科專計畫,計畫名稱:視覺為基礎之智慧型環境建構四年計畫)
Associate Principal Investigator, "Research, Development and Applications of Digital Home Technology", National Science Council, Grant No. 93-2745-E-030-001-URD, 2004/8 ~ 2007/7. (國科會提升私校研發能量專案計畫,計畫名稱:數位家庭前瞻技術之研究發展與應用)
Associate Principal Investigator, "Building a global research infrastructure for digital learning Track2: Technology Integration, Learning Component Exchange Center", National Science Council, Grant No. 93-2542-S-001-002, 2004/8 ~ 2005/7. (國科會數位學習國家型科技計畫,計畫名稱:以研究資源共享為理念之教學資源交換中心之研究)
Associate Principal Investigator, "Mobile and Content-based Multimedia Retrieval I", National Science Council, Grant No. 89-2745-P030-004, 2000/12 ~ 2003/11. (國科會提升私校研發能量專案計畫,計畫名稱:行動多媒體網路系統技術之研究發展與應用)
MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) Projects
Principal Investigator, "The Study of Spiking Neural Networks", MOST 109-2221-E-030-018-MY3, 2020/8 ~ 2023/7.
Principal Investigator, "Application of Spiking Neural Networks on Computer Vision", MOST 109-BOT-I-030-501, 2020/01/01~2021/03/31.
Principal Investigator, "Deep Learning for Person Re-identification", MOST 107-2221-E-030 -012, 2018/8 ~ 2019/7.
Principal Investigator, "The Study of Neuromorphic Computing for Computer Vision", MOST 108-2221-E-030 -017, 2019/8 ~ 2020/7.
Principal Investigator, "Deep Learning for Person Detection", Ministry of Science and Technology, Grant No. 106-2221-E-030-020, 2017/8 ~ 2018/7.
Principal Investigator, "Deep Learning for Analysis of Aerial Images from Unmanned Air Vehicles", Ministry of Science and Technology, Grant No. 105-2221-E-030-015, 2016/8 ~ 2017/7.
Principal Investigator, "The Study of Realtime Surveillance Camera Anomaly Detection and Night Surveillance", Ministry of Science and Technology, Grant No. 103-2221-E-030 -011 -MY2, 2014/8 ~ 2016/7.
Principal Investigator, "The Applications of Image and Video Quality Assessment for Visual Surveillance", Ministry of Science and Technology, Grant No. 102-2221-E-030 -017, 2013/8 ~ 2014/7.
Principal Investigator, "The Study of Sleep Video Summarization Techniques", National Science Council, Grant No. 100-2218-E-030-004, 2012/8 ~ 2013/7.
Principal Investigator, "Vision-Based Sleep Disorder Analysis II", National Science Council, Grant No. 100-2218-E-030 -004, 2011/8 ~ 2012/7.
Principal Investigator, "Vision-Based Sleep Disorder Analysis I", National Science Council, Grant No. 99-2220-E-030-003, 2010/8 ~ 2011/7.
Principal Investigator, "The Study of Head Gesture Recognition and Facial Expression Recognition", National Science Council, Grant No. 97-2221-E-030-016, 2008/8 ~ 2009/7.
Principal Investigator, "The Study of Face Recognition", National Science Council, Grant No. 96-2221-E030-012, 2007/8 ~ 2008/7.
Principal Investigator, "Video Segmentation Using 2+1D Wavelet Transform", National Science Council, Grant No. 94-2213-E030-010, 2005/8 ~ 2006/7.
Principal Investigator, "Video Analysis and Classification with Hidden Markov Models", National Science Council, Grant No. 93-2213-E030-006, 2004/8 ~ 2005/7.
Principal Investigator, "Traffic Video Analysis with Pattern Recognition", National Science Council, Grant No. 92-2213-E-030-023, 2003/8 ~ 2004/7.
Principal Investigator, "The Research of Intelligent Transportation Video Analysis with Pattern Recognition Techniques", National Science Council, Grant No. 91-2213-E030-009, 2002/8 ~ 2003/7.
Principal Investigator, "Spot Fitting of Bio-chip Image with Active Contour Model", National Science Council, Grant No. 90-2213-E030-011, 2001/8 ~ 2002/7.
Principal Investigator, "Dialogue-based Segmentation and Indexing of Movie Content", National Science Council, Grant No. 89-2218-E030-003, 2000/8 ~ 2001/7.
Foundation Projects
"Object Detection, Tracking and Key Frame Extraction for Intelligent Video Surveillance" Institute for Information Industry, 2013.
"Face Recognition for Robot Interaction", Industrial Technology Research Institute, 2008.
“The Study of Face Recognition with Human Facial Features," Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom Co., 2006/11 ~ 2007/10.
“The Study of Biometrics and Face Recognition," Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom Co., 2004/12 ~ 2005/11.
“The Study of Computer Vision for Intelligent Transportation System," Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom Co., 2001/3 ~ 2003/2.